18″ Clear Balloon with Light Blue/white/gold Confetti


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Pickup & Delivery from Auckland

Total sold: 55 units

suitable for wedding party, anniversary party, Christmas party, birthday party, New Years Eve party or other festivals

Price is for ONE clear confetti balloon.

— Size: 18 inches (45cm)

— The balloon will need to be well shaken to distribute the confetti evenly once inflated.

— The balloons are supplied flat packed

– If filling with air, use a balloon pump to avoid moisture from your breath clouding the balloon.

– Rub the balloon on carpet or clothing to create static electricity for the confetti to stick to the sides.

– If filling with helium, we suggest filling the balloon with a pump of air first to help the confetti stick to the sides. The confetti will tend to pool at the bottom if only filled with helium.